Air cargo security is an integral part of all processes at AFKLMP Cargo. This is to provide you with information about our security approach and activities at AFKLMP Cargo and to keep you up to date on the latest developments and news in airfreight security.
In the past decade, regulatory requirements for transportation security have increased significantly, placing greater demands on all logistics providers in the industry. AFKLMP has been recognized as an industry leader when it comes to air cargo safety and security. We continuously upgrade our security concept and set international benchmarks.
All cargo to be forwarded on an aircraft must have been screened in accordance with the ICAO Annex 17 and the EU regulations 300/2008 and 1995/2015. Both the ICAO and EU regulations have the concept of secure chain responsibility for air cargo. This concept means that, after initial screening, validated supply chain parties are allowed to push cargo through the cargo process without necessary rescreening. The secure chain concept is less time consuming and more costs efficient for all parties in the air cargo supply chain. To become a validated party in the secure chain, the entity has to be validated by an independent (EU) validator.
In all cases where cargo is accepted, either the physical Consignment Security Declaration (CSD) must be available, or the security status and screening method is shown in the FWB which shall be checked by the GHA. In addition, all information that is available on paper CSD needs to be captured in the FWB as well.
A stamp on the airwaybill is
NEVER considered a CSD. Either the actual CSD is available, or the correct security data is in the FWB.
AFKLMP is a recognized industry leader in the pre-loading air cargo process and tooling. This means all air cargo needs to have an assessment complete status prior to acceptance in our network. An assessment complete status means that all electronical shipment data has been screened by relevant authorities and/or AFKLMP compliance experts. For more information about the pre-loading air cargo process and tooling of AFKLMP, please contact your local customer service organization.
US restrictions:
The United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued requirements for cargo shipments on passenger carriers traveling to or through the United States of America and originating in one of the
countries designated by the TSA. These requirements mandate that cargo shall only be tendered from shippers with whom the forwarder has an Established Business Relationship (EBR).
To comply with this requirement,
effective 23 September 2024, Air France KLM Martinair Cargo forwarding partners must confirm they have verified that all shipments are from shippers that meet the new EBR criteria by providing the signed
IATA standard EBR statement.
For any question about the EBR process, please check our FAQ below.
Safety & Security